Do u all can guess what's my part time job anot?? i temporary work as a kindergarden teacher. When i finish my class, then will go to my shop if got appointment. So far now still can adapt when alot of monkey surround with you and say
"teacher teacher, just now who who who bit me...or teacher teacher, i wan go to toilet". The most headache is the new student. She only 2 years old, so when her mommy take her go to school, she will cry very hard and keep saying "I WANT MAMMI"!!!! walauyea...every morning the 2 indian teacher will pass this new girl to me and ask me to take care of her until she stop to cry. But now i have a good method to stop her crying and it's very work. Every time i will use the same method which is narrate. She love to listen and enjoy it.
Beside that crying baby, still have 1 student that is very headache. He is 4 years old, and he is a lubricious boy. Cant imagine 4 years little boy is a lubricious?? let me tell u how he is..he got try to touch my breast and his eyes keep blinking and smilling at me!!!! Beside that, he will pretend to say don't know to write, then ask me hold his hands to write!! Somemore he will ask me kiss his cheeks. Haha...this 2 kids really give me alot of memory that i cant forget.
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