Friday, February 13, 2009

bowling day

Last week i go to play bowling with friends. Since 1987 until now, I don have any sport that are very powerful. So Ping say I don have "运动细胞", and always say i is "运动白痴"!!! Haiz, may be i seldom do exercise, so it make my legs & hand's reaction very slow!!
Do you believe miracle? That day my score is is the 1st time i get the highest score in my life!! i know some of you will laught me, but for me it really very hard to get this score. So i ask my friends help me take picture to prove that i get this score before. :D

Me, Loong & Bi





After play the bowling, i thought i already know the technique how to play it. Then i invited ping & my sister go to play again.

see my movement already know very bad...but what can i do? hahaha...

wah....seem like very pro....

Me & Ping

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My lovely grandfather's b'day

grandfather & grandmother

all people are busy to sing b'day song, but i busy to find my handphone >.<

continue to sing b'day song.......

Kai Jun & Me

Ke Li, Me & Man, Ke Sin

Friday, February 6, 2009

During CNY 2009

This year i go to my best friend's (lan) house bainian with hong (can be consider as my best friend also:P). Do you have hear "醉翁之意不在酒" before? Yeah..actually the main purpose for us is not go for bainian, is go to play lammi. Haha..normally people go to someone house bainian will take somethings like buscuits or bahgua, but i take lammi go her house to play. OMG, can't imagine that i is a bad gambler!! My stupid friend lan do not really know what is lammi and how to play it. But she willing to learn it (because of my effect) and only spend 10 minutes to learn (p/s: she know to play mahjong, so for her lammi is too easy:D). Do you know at the end who is the winner? NOT me, is hong and my sister. So the loser sure is me!! For lan, she didn't lose anythings, just waste her time (at the beginning we give her offer, this is why she didn't lose, haha:D). Thanks for you my friends giving me a great memory!!! Muacks ><

Mui Mui with me

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My shop

NiNi is back!!!
This is my shop...nice rite?? Mostly i will spend all my time at this tiny room which have a very good environment and comfortable that
can make people feeling well.

This is the product's brand that i use. It very effective, cheap and suitable to all skin type especially Asian people.

My pretty to do "free" facial!!!!!><

Have you ever see a big head ghost??

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